Alton Tennis Club
Hello Members – Welcome to the new tennis season!
Players of the season
Congratulations to Alice and Justin, the first players of the season. I like to think that the hope of winning in October has something to do with a record turnout at match practice last night as people aim to win these trophies in October!
Special thanks to Robert H who donated the 2nd trophy and saved me from the dilemma of having to choose between a male and female winner!
Box Leagues and Singles ladder
The new club Box Leagues (Open Doubles) and mixed Singles Ladder, are about to be launched. These competitions are open to all adult members of all standards, so please give it a go if you want more tennis matches!
Tomake it fun and effective, the club is providing these on an exciting new mobile App called “MatchSpace” ( https://www.matchspace.co/).
Once downloaded and opened, enter the following “Club Code” for ATC to connect you to the competition in ATC: JZYNW-2307
As time goes on you will get invites to participate. There will be some glitches, but please persevere. Hopefully this will be a great new tool to find matches in the club!
Club Championship
Still time to get yourself entered for the club championship! Deadline for entries 15th April.
Summer Season for Match Players
The summer Season is upon us and Captains are setting up events on SPOND. We have lots of teams so most who want to should be able to get a game. There is also the new Player of the Season to be won in October!
New Membership Year - Club Entry Code Changes
The club will shortly change to new entry codes shortly so watch out for the email and Spond Messages!
Problems with Email and alternate ways to get your ATC news
Members are increasingly reporting having not received emails after having checked their spam folder. The club uses Mailchimp which is potentially the target of server side spam filters. With email becoming less effective, we need to also use the website and Apps to keep in touch with members. We will post messages on Email, Spond and on the Website ( http://www.altontennisclub.org.uk/community/alton-tennis-club-7792/news/).
Apps Training
With the email problems, we are more dependent on ”Apps” than ever (Website, Booker, Spond and now Matchspace). Some members have problems with them. Unfortunately we are not big enough to swim against the tide on this trend. But we are keen to help members so there will be a training session: 7:30 PM on Tuesday 16th April in the Clubhouse. Please come along if you would like help.
Padel Court Latest
The poll of members showed a majority of those who answered supported the plan for a Padel Court. But the plan is still aspirational and far from certain.
The decision on the recent CIL funding request is due in July. At that point, if we are going ahead, we will have a more solid financial plan and will hold a Special General Meeting for members to have a vote / final say on whether we go ahead.
This will be your chance to block it, or vote it through. But if you are keen on the plan, we really could do with help now, especially from members with construction or project management experience! Contact me if you can help.
Social Events
The Raimes WineTour is fully subscribed (sold out in 2 days!). If you fancy doing something else similar, we on the committee will be keen to offer support. Have go!
Another date to save for thediary is our 30th Anniversary Celebration on 28th July. American tournament and picnic!
The ATC Golf Soc will shortly be restarting evening games. Get in touch with me if you are interested.
Spring Work Party
We will be holding the usual spring work party on 18th May. Please come along and give an hour or two to help keep the club in tip top condition. Lots of painting and tidying to be done! This helps keep fees down!
ATC Chair
Contact Information
Club Chair, Tony Bull
Find Alton Tennis Club
Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 1RF