How to Join
ATC Membership
Our Club is a Community Association Sports Club and membership is open to all. We pride ourselves on being a friendly local club and would be pleased to welcome you whatever your playing standard. Our mix-in sessions that are popular with members and the ideal way to meet new friends. If you are a beginner or haven't played for a while, please do not hesitate to come along - you will find our members very friendly and welcoming and you do not have to be an experienced or competent player to join. We are sure that you will enjoy both the tennis and the social side of being a member.
We have a range of options for membership.
We aim to have a clear and progressive structure from our youngest players to our oldest, to cater for most circumstances including those who can’t / no longer wish to play actively but would like to remain part of the Club family (Friends of Alton Tennis Club). Options begin with junior membership, providing a clear pathway through the ages to the Young Adult age group with more playing opportunities and responsibility. As well as our full adult membership, we have categories for students, weekday only players, and for those who may visit family or friends regularly and want to play but live outside the local catchment area.
If you have any queries about which category of membership is right for you, please contact the Membership Secretary, Janet Martin by e-mail or 07795889498
To Join
You can view our membership categories and join online at:
Email us at if you need further information before joining.
If you wish to join when the membership year is well advanced, please contact our Membership Secretary (contact details as above) who, along with our Treasurer, will work out the appropriate fee.
You can also visit the Club before making a commitment: potential members are welcome to visit the Club prior to joining - contact the Club on 07795 889498 to arrange your visit.
Please note: the membership can not be processed until the relevant membership fee has been received.
Membership is subject to the terms and conditions of the Alton Tennis Club which can be downloaded from the bottom of the page. The Club is proud to be affiliated to the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA). Affiliation fees and British Tennis Membership are included in the annual membership.
Notes on Membership Categories:
1. Instalments of four equal consecutive monthly payments are available for Family membership.
2. Weekday members may play only from Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
3. A Junior or Young Adult member must be in the qualifying age range on 1st April (the start of the membership year. 4. A Student member must be in full time education on the 1st April (the start of the membership year).
5. Parent Social entitles a parent /guardian to act as a hitting partner for their Junior member, to play on an empty court during their Junior coaching sessions and full access to clubhouse facilities. Courts cannot be booked and the court must be ceded if full paying members turn up to play.
6. Club membership subscriptions include British Tennis Membership.
Existing members can renew annual membership online by responding to the invitation sent by the Club.
Existing members: If renewing online please avoid creating a new account as this will create duplicate information on the database which causes administration problems.